
The working environment in the construction industry is very dangerous. With RENITY ARTEMIS, managers can prevent workers from illegally entering dangerous areas, and workers can also seek assistance in a timely manner through the SOS button. After combining with UAV, it can help operators to improve operational efficiency in a new way.

Construction with artemis products

RENITY ARTEMIS Platform’s Architecture

Alternative Text: The RENITY ARTEMIS RTLS Platform’s Architecture


Construction site

Manage the Construction Site in Real-Time

  • Equipment and vehicle movement
  • Worker and equipment location for any length of time
  • Worker hours, overtime, tardiness, and missed days
  • Completed and upcoming scheduled maintenance

Keeps Your Crew Safe

  • Automated alerts that sound when workers enter an unauthorized or unsafe area of the site
  • Alerts when workers haven’t moved for a prolonged period
  • An easy to use SOS button workers can push when they need emergency assistance

Working with UAV and AI to calculate rebar incline angle in a short time

Combined with UAV and using AI software, it can quickly detect whether the rebar incline angle of each beam- column conforms to the specification


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